Turn Your Content Into Customers and Create Daily Sales on Autopilot

It’s time to grow your audience & automate your sales without tantrum-inducing tech headaches, duct-taped-together software solutions or criminal monthly fees.

Connecting the dots between the content you create on social media... and actually making money in your business can feel a bit like winning the lottery.

You're showing up, giving value, engaging in the feed and DMs...

But if the effort you're putting in never seems to match the money in your bank account, keep reading:

If you look around at the most successful brands and entrepreneurs online, there's one thing they all have in common:

No, they aren't in the same niche... they don't have the same business model... and they aren't smarter than you.

They use sales funnels.

Smart entrepreneurs know that having an automated sales funnel is the fastest, most leveraged way to create consistent, repeatable revenue inside your business...

If you want to turn your content into daily sales, and avoid the time wasting activities that only lead to overwhelm and burn out...

you need

Laptop Lifestyle Funnels

The only affordable all-in-one marketing platform that works FOR YOU 24/7... so you don’t have to.

I know it's frustrating...

  • Showing up, "giving value", but not having the systems in place that connect the dots between what you post on social media & actually making money in your business.

  • Knowing that the secret to the freedom you crave is to leverage automated sales funnels, but not having a clear roadmap that tells you where to start or how to do it.

  • Trying to run your business with a million and one duct-taped-together tech tools that seem to only drain your bank account instead of adding money to it.

  • Feeling FOMO as you look at outrageously priced ‘all-in-one’ platforms the experts are using, while vowing that you’ll invest “some day” when your business is making more money.

But what if it didn’t have to be that way...

Here’s What Life Will Look Like With Laptop Lifestyle Funnels:

  • Wake up each day with a clear plan of action for how to show up on social media in a way that actually produces sales in your business.

  • Automate your lead generation, follow up and sales efforts with expert-level sales funnels and email sequences that have generated 7+ figures in online sales.

  • Host any digital offer, course, or membership inside a custom-branded student portal that will wow your students.

  • Effortlessly attract an audience of buyers, sell your products & services, and turn one-time customers into raving fans with the world’s most powerful, all-in-one tool.

A Note from Jordan Maylea

One of my favorite authors, Pastor Mark Batterson, has a phrase that I do my best to live by: Criticize by Creating.

When I first launched my business back in 2017, choosing the right software was by far my biggest headache.

With a lack of all-in-one solutions I ended up choosing one service for email automation... another for funnel building... a third for checkout forms... and a fourth for hosting & delivering our courses to students.

The result? An expensive, duct-taped-together mess I still struggle to untangle 6 years later. A tech-headache that never ends.

While I've done my best to find, learn, and recommend suitable alternatives for my students... in the back of my mind I was always asking:

Shouldn't there be something better?

The truth? No matter how many late-night google sessions, zoom call demos, and free trial periods I tested... "better" didn't exist.I was tired of criticizing. It was time to create.

I'm so excited to unveil the only all-in-one, affordable platform designed to help you automate your sales with ease.

From custom-designed funnel templates, to pre-loaded mad-lib style email campaigns for your freebie, micro offer & webinar funnels, to a fully-loaded digital offer delivery hub with blueprints to help you create your first (or next) course or membership...

In the words of Taylor Swift: it's been a long time coming. And I can't wait to show you around!


Not Your Average Marketing Tool...

Most online marketing tools are just that: a tool. But tools are completely useless without step-by-step blueprint for how to use them effectively.

That’s why I’ve built the entire Laptop Lifestyle Funnels Marketing Platform on the back of my Laptop Lifestyle Philosophy.

I know you started your business because you wanted more freedom, not less.

And yet most online marketing strategies require you to spend hours a day on social media engaging in the feed or drumming up business in DMs...

Fill your calendar with time-sucking zoom calls to close sales...

Or work for months building an audience (and an offer!) preparing for a big launch that... more real talk: might completely flop.

I don't know about you, but none of those things were on my Dream Business Bingo Card.

As a new business owner, I was desperate to fit my business in to my already-too-busy life... which meant engaging for hours and spending my days on zoom calls were a big 'heck no'.

And spending months and months building an audience before ever making a single sale?? Neither me, nor my credit cards could take that kind of pressure.

So I did the only thing I knew to do:

I took all the random strategies I'd learned from investing over $15,000 in online marketing courses, and threw out all the ones that didn't align with the FREEDOM lifestyle I was working to create.

Then I took what was left and used it create a framework for building a profitable online business model that would work FOR ME 24/7... so I wouldn't have to.

Within one week of launching my Micro Offer and Webinar Funnels I'd generated $2,497 in sales.

90 days later... I was celebrating my first $20K month ($27,560,62 ... to be exact!) while traveling for 3 of those 4 weeks because my funnels were always working, so I wouldn't have to.

Each phase of the Autopilot Profit System is designed to work together to ensure you're consistently adding new followers to your audience, capturing leads and converting sales directly from your social media content.

It's not Hogwarts-level Wizardry... it's just marketing, done right.

Here’s What’s Waiting For You Inside:

Attract Your Audience of Buyers With a Simplified Social Media Strategy That Sells

What good is a sales funnel if no one knows it exists? Laptop Lifestyle Funnels is the first marketing platform that comes with built-in social media strategy:

Drive traffic to your funnels and website using the exact content plan I’ve used to convert at least one sale a day... every day... for 6+ years (even if you’re starting with a small audience!)

Take Posting Off Your Plate With Our Social Media Planner

Posting consistently on social media can feel like a full-time job... but it doesn’t have to be!

Pre-Schedule and autopost your content to Instagram, Facebook Business Pages, LinkedIn, Twitter and TikTok!

Replaces Tools Like Planoly, Later and HootSuite

Automate Your Sales With the Exact Funnels I Used to Go From Scratch to 20K Months

The crown jewel of our platform, our drag-and-drop funnel builder includes 42 professionally designed (and fully customizable) funnel pages or you can design your own.

Our templates include swipe copy & graphic packs to help you quickly create high-converting freebie funnels, webinar funnels, and sales pages so you can automate your sales in a matter of hours.

Replaces Tools Like Kajabi, Stan, Kartra, ClickFunnels, ThriveCart & Systeme.io

Create & Sell Unlimited Digital Products

Our platform makes building your digital empire a dream come true with a custom membership area to host as many digital courses as you want.

You can embed video lessons, upload PDFs and even track student progress as they move through your program!

Sell your offers with our gorgeous checkout templates, collect payments, and even add order bumps and upsells to increase your profits!

Replaces Tools Like Kajabi, Stan, Teachable, Thinkific and ThriveCart

Stand Out & Sell With Your Beautiful Website & Blog

With hundreds of templates waiting for you, our drag-and-drop website builder allows you to create your gorgeous website... fast!

Create as many websites and blogs as you want and use our built-in media library to host all your images, videos and PDFs.

Even better? All pages are automatically mobile optimized so your audience can view your content from any device!

Replaces Tools Like Wordpress, Wix, and Squarespace

Automate Your Email, Text & DM Marketing All in One Place

Swipe our almost-done-for-you automated email sequences for your freebie & webinar funnels, run flash promos and maximize sales with ease.

With Laptop Lifestyle Funnels you can even send and reply to texts, Facebook messages and Instagram DMs all from our convenient ‘conversations’ tab!

Replaces Tools Like ActiveCampaign, MailChimp, ConvertKit, and Project Broadcast

Manage Customer Relationships With Ease

Use our unlimited forms and surveys to capture & store all the important info you need for your leads and customers and track exactly where each contact is in your funnel.

Plus, create unlimited calendars for booking discovery calls or coaching appointments that integrate seamlessly with Zoom, Google Meet, and Google Calendar.

Replaces Tools Like HubSpot, Sales Force, ScheduleOnce and Calendly

Turn Content Into Sales With Your Custom Link in Bio Store!

Use our custom templates to create your very own Link-in-Bio Store to drive leads and customers directly from the content you're already posting on social media!

Replaces Tools Like Stan, LinkTree, Milkshake and Campsite

Super exciting to see numbers populating in LLF! We're seeing purchases pick up to almost daily on both running offers. We didn't have this level of reporting in ConvertKit and are really getting a lot more insight into our offers already. We're currently watching 900+ people go through 2 funnels. It's fascinating to watch their behaviors using all the data that's available in Jordan Maylea's platform.

Peter Evans

This Sounds Cool... But What If I Need Support?

Laptop Lifestyle Funnels comes fully loaded with step-by-step onboarding tutorials, plus additional videos to help you navigate each section of the platform with ease. Feeling stuck? Our 24/7 tech support is just a click away! Simply browse our extensive knowledge base, or start up a chat with our experienced tech support agents (real people, not bots!!) who are standing by to guide you whenever you need it.

  • 24/7 Chat Support ($997 Value)

Working on your funnel at 1am and can’t figure out how to change that blue button to shocking pink? We’ve got you. Our 24/7 Tech Support Team is available to answer your questions LIVE whenever you need it!

  • Weekly LIVE Tech Support Zoom Calls ($997 Value)

Need help thinking through the steps of a workflow, or building out your next funnel? While our chat support is excellent, we know some project can benefit from working with someone face to face.

  • Exclusive LLF Support Community ($997 Value)

Share wins, get encouragement, and surround yourself with Laptop Lifestyle Funnel Builders inside our exclusive community!

get instant access to

All the Laptop Lifestyle Funnel Features + These Amazing Bonuses

Just for Saying ‘Maybe’ and Starting Your Free Trial Today

42 Professionally Designed Funnel Templates

Not a designer? Yeah, me either. That’s why I brought in one of the world’s best design experts (her genius is the secret sauce behind multiple 7-figure funnels) to deliver 42 drool-worthy funnel pages to give you a gorgeous on-brand design from step 1 to step SOLD.

$5,997 Value

Expert-Level Copywriting Swipe Files

Does copywriting make you want to stab your eyeballs out? I’ve got you! I’ve spent more than $10K honing the specific skill, and sprinkled relatable, high-converting mad-libs-style copy prompts throughout every funnel & email template in our system so you never have to stare at a blinking cursor again.

$2,997 Value

Weekly Nurturing Email Campaign Templates

Ever wondered what a 7-figure personal brand sends to their email list? I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing the exact email campaigns I send to nurture trust & authority with my email list, along with a sample schedule you can follow!

$1,497 Value

Automated Webinar Sales Email Sequence

I generated over $200K in sales my first year of business through a single automated webinar funnel. But did you know the right follow-up sequence can double the amount of sales you get from your webinar? I’ve taken my highest-converting webinar sales email sequence and loaded it up as an automated workflow for you!

$2,997 Value

Funnel Graphic Packs

Each funnel template in our system comes with its own set of graphics, mockups, and icons proven to increase conversions... and we’re giving you the canva templates so you can edit them with ease!

$497 Value

Social Media Graphic Packs

Once your funnel is complete, it’s time to start driving traffic to it! We’ve created a gorgeous set of promotional social media graphics you can customize and use to drive traffic to any funnel!

$497 Value

New-Subscriber Email Sequence Workflow

Oh no! Someone joined your email list... now what!? I’ve taken the exact welcome sequence I use in my own business and loaded it up for you in a mad-libs-style template you can edit in minutes. (This sequence tripled the sales I get from new subscribers who’ve been on my email list less than 1 week!)

$997 Value

Flash Sale Email Sequence Workflow

What if you could add an extra $2-$5K in sales to your business each month with just one simple email sequence? That’s what possible when you use the Flash Sale workflow that’s waiting for you inside Laptop Lifestyle Funnels!

$997 Value

Purchase Confirmation Email + Tech Workflow

Use this workflow to automatically grant offer access to your new customers as soon as they make a purchase. We’ve even included a customizable welcome email you can use for all of your digital courses and offers!

$497 Value

Jordan’s 7-Figure Daily Routine

Once your funnels are up and running... what comes next? Join Jordan inside this exclusive on-demand workshop to see the exact daily routine you can follow to build a 7-figure business with Laptop Lifestyle Funnels!

$997 Value

Say ‘Maybe’ Before the Timer Hits Zero and Get Lifetime Access to These Additional Free Gifts

On Demand ‘Launch Your First Funnel’ Virtual Workshop

Tune in to this on-demand 4-hour workshop where we will work together to dream, design & deliver your first Laptop Lifestyle Funnel!

Lifetime Access to the Replay is Included!

$2,997 Value

The Six-Figure Micro Offer Funnel Masterclass

What if I told you it was possible to build a six-figure business with just one digital offer you sell for less than $20?

Inside this never-before-seen masterclass I’m sharing the exact process I followed to create my first ‘Micro Offer’ funnel in a single weekend that went on to earn me $88K in sales in just 10 months.

Combine the blueprint in this masterclass with the templates waiting for you inside Laptop Lifestyle Funnels and you can’t go wrong!

$997 Value

Jordan’s Very Viral Short Video Blueprint

Last year, I accidentally invented a new short video marketing strategy and made $33K in 30 Days with less than 500 Followers and just ONE automated funnel.

This mini course includes my recipes and scripts for creating your own Very Viral Short Video Series along with her video recording + editing secrets, call to action + hook templates, and autopilot repurposing tutorial!

$1,873 Value


Yours FREE For Life When You Say ‘Maybe’ and Start Your 10-Day Free Trial Today

No Contracts, Cancel at Any Time

No Contracts, Cancel at Any Time

Take a look at what people have been

Creating with Laptop Lifestyle Funnels

You've got Questions

I've got answers!

How much does it cost, and can I cancel at any time?

After your 10-day free trial, Laptop Lifestyle Funnels is $97/month or $970/year. This includes unlimited access to all of our features, including unlimited domains, websites, funnels, courses, and contacts. This also includes 10,000 free emails or text messages sent to your contacts each month. Additional emails or text messages are $1 per each additional 1,000 messages sent.

Does it include web hosting?

Yes! Web hosting is included. You will need to purchase your own domain, which you can purchase from any domain provider for approximately $10/year.

What platforms does Laptop Lifestyle Funnels replace?

Websites: WordPress, Kajabi, Wix, Squarespace

Email Marketing Platforms: Mailerlite, Mailchimp, Active Campaign, Drip, Constant Contact, Convertkit, Keap (Formerly Infusionsoft)

Sales Funnel Platforms: Click Funnels, LeadPages

Course/Membership Platforms: Udemy, Teachable, Thinkific, Membervault

Social Media Scheduling: Tailwind, Hootsuite, Loomly, Planoly, Later

Appointment Scheduling: Calendly, Acuity, BookMe

CRM: Hubspot, Dubsado, Zoho

What kind of support do I get?

In addition to our onboarding and tech tutorial videos, support also includes 24/7 chat support inside the platform and a members-only Facebook community with weekly office hours zoom support calls. Our tech experts are standing by to answer questions in the Facebook community Monday - Friday, and we aim to reply to each question within 24 hours. Need a faster reply? Chat support average response times are under 3 minutes!

Can I keep my website or blog on a different platform and use LLF for everything else?

Yes! In fact, Jordan Maylea still has her main website on Wordpress, but uses Laptop Lifestyle Funnels for her email marketing, funnel pages, course & membership hosting and contact management. If you don't currently have a website or blog, you can build one inside the platform!

Can I customize the funnel templates to match my brand colors and vibe?

Absolutely! You can customize any aspect of the funnel templates you want... including adding your own branding, graphics, and even adding or deleting sections based on your specific offer or funnel.

Can I use Laptop Lifestyle Funnels for checkout forms? What payment gateways does it support?

Yes! We have checkout form templates waiting for you inside, and you can integrate with Stripe and/or PayPal

Have a question that wasn't answered above?

Send our Support Team an email at support@globalfreedomcommunity.com and we will get back to you within 24-48 hours.

What's the Catch?

no catch.

Say ‘Maybe’ to Laptop Lifestyle Funnels today... and you can keep the free gifts for life, even if you cancel before the trial ends.

Why? There’s actually a few reasons...

  • Because I am grateful for you. This is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a part of this community by giving you something truly special!

  • This software was a labor of love, built out of necessity. I am so tired of seeing dedicated entrepreneurs waste their time and money on inferior softwares... and I'm not above a little bribe to nudge you to check us out!

  • I’m confident come in to Laptop Lifestyle Funnels, attend our free workshop, and get your first funnel built... you’ll be a user for life.

But even if you DON’T love it... I want to make it worth your time to even take a look. I believe your time is valuable, and I will never take it for granted!

I remember all-too-well (the 10-minute version 😅) how daunting it can feel to choose the right tech for your business. And as I shared earlier, I’m still paying (literally!) for the mistakes I made as a new business owner.

I don’t want that to be you... and that’s why I created Laptop Lifestyle Funnels.

I believe that as entrepreneurs we can either complain about how things are done, or we can go out and make them better. Laptop Lifestyle Funnels is my attempt at “better” -- and I can’t wait to show you around!

See you inside!


Get Started With Laptop Lifestyle Funnels Today For FREE!

No Contracts, Cancel at Any Time

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